Yuske Taninaka
b.1988 in Osaka, Japan
lives and works in Berlin
Educations and Residency Programs
MA Solo/Dance/Authorship(SODA), HZT Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin
Aug.-Oct. Acc-Rijksakademie dialogue and exchange 2018-2019, Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Feb.-May. Yamanaka-Suplex, Shiga, Japan
Aug.-Oct. Acc-Rijksakademie dialogue and exchange 2018-2019, Asia Culture Center, Gwangju, Korea
Aug.-Sep. Paradise AIR short stay program, Paradaise AIR, Matsudo, Chiba
Dance Intensive Program 16/17 (supported by Pola Art Foundation), Tanzfabrik Berlin, Berlin, Germany
June. Joan Jonas Workshop, Villa Iris Visual Art Workshop by the Botin Foundation, Santander, Spain
Feb. The Mountain School of Arts, Los Angeles, US
Apr.2014-Mar.2016 HAPS Studio Program, Kyoto, Japan
July-Oct. Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien by Tokyo Wonder Site Exchange program, Berlin, Germany
Feb. Lucky Dragons Workshop, ARTIST WORKSHOP @KCUA “The Open Score”, Kyoto, Japan
M.F.A. Sculpture, Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan
Sep.-Dec. Exchange Program, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
B.F.A. Sculpture, Kyoto City University of Arts, Japan
Theater Performance / Dance Work
Gallop [solo with guests]
– Old Power Station, Ljubljana, SI. 27 November, 2022 in CoFestival
– Uferstudios Studio 14, Berlin, DE. 29-30 April, 2022 (premier)
H2O2 [solo with guests]
– Uferstudios Studio 8, Berlin, DE. 27 October, 2021 (premier)
~)Dis)Oriental Whaling~ [solo / live presentation essay]
Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto, JP. 18-19 May, 2019 (premier)
Participation as dancer
The Shift of Focus (directed by Isabelle Schad) premier HAU 1, October,2023
Studies on infinity #1 (directed by Isabelle Schad) Wiesenburg, June, 2023
Exhibitions / Visual Art
Solo Exhibitions
Sep.2015 In/Flesh/Out, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien(Mariannenplatz, TWS resident room), Berlin
Sep.2014 Have a Good Appetite, Kodama Gallery, Kyoto
July.2014 6AM Center, Boundless 6PM, Alainistheonlyone, Tokyo
Jan.2014 Galatea, Kyoto City University of Arts Art Gallery @KCUA, Kyoto
Selected Group Exhibitions
Nov.2022 “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” Exhibition 2022–23, The National Art Center, Tokyo
Aug.2020 Yuriko Sasaoka, Yuske Taninaka Exhibition *two-person exhibition, MORI YU GALLERY, Kyoto
June.2019 MONO NO AWARE CELEBRATION PROJECT featured in the Celebration series of three exhibitions: in Kyoto, Poznań and Szczecin, TRAFO, Szczecin, Poland
June.2019 CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition-, Dom Książki (several venues in the festival), Poznań, Poland
May.2019 CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition-, Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto
July.2018 Scrolling, Scroll, Scrl, +DEDE, Berlin
May.2018 Festival der jungen Talente 2018 (Project: Noise Again, collaboration work of BOF), Frankfruter Kunstein, Frankfrut am Main
Jan.2018 Impurity/Immunity, BARRAK 1, Okinawa
Oct.2017 Impurity/Immunity, Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, Tokyo
July.2017 The Point in Front Is Not the Point in Front Is Not *two-person exhibition with Judith Seng*, Kyoto Art Center, Kyoto
Jan.2017 Chronicle, Chronicle!, Creative Center Osaka, Osaka
June.2016 Joan Jonas Workshop Exhibition, Villa Iris of The Botin Foundation, Santander
Apr.2016 RETURN TO, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo
Jan.2016 Chronicle, Chronicle!, Creative Center Osaka, Osaka
Oct.2015 Kawasu(evade) *two-person exhibition with Tamotu Shihara*, Cas, Osaka
Apr.2015 Before Night Falls YORUNINARUMAENI, ARTZONE, Kyoto
Mar.2015 PARASOPHIA / Special plan exhibition of the 6th anniversary of the Kyoto City University of Arts Art gallery @KCUA『still moving』, Former Suujin Elementary School/Suujin Area, Kyoto
Jan.2015 ARTIST WORKSHOP @KCUA The Open Score by Lucky Dragons SHOWCASE, Kyoto City University of Arts Are Gallery @KCUA, Kyoto
Nov.2014 TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK ASIA AWARDS YOUNG CREATOR SHOW, in front of Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery, Tokyo
May.2014 “ignore your perspective 25” Just The Way It is, Kodama Gallery, Tokyo
Apr.2014 Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2014, Gyoko-dori Underground Gallery, Tokyo
Jan.2014 “ignore your perspective 20″ Not a total waste, Kodama Gallery, Kyoto
Nov.2013 We are all different and all wonderful, or not”, adanda/ Corpo Kita-Kagaya, Osaka
Aug.2011 Colors of KCUA, Gallery@KCUA, Kyoto
Mar.2009 Cocoa’s film-AAP in AAS-, Antenna AAS, Kyoto
Awards, Grants
2019-2022 Awarded the Fellowship of Overseas Study Programme for Artists by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japanese Government, Berlin
2016 Kyoto City Special Bounty Program For Art And Culture
2014 Grand Prize, Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2014
2014 Encouraging Prize, Kyoto City University of Arts Degree Show
2013 Sadame Kato scholarship
2012 Mayor of Kyoto Prize, Kyoto City University of Arts Degree Show
1988年 大阪市生まれ
2022 HZT Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin, Solo/Dance/Authorship(SODA) 修了
2014 京都市立芸術大学大学院 美術研究科彫刻専攻 修了
2012 中国中央美術学院 造形芸術研究科実験芸術専攻 交換留学, 北京
2012 京都市立芸術大学 美術学部彫刻専攻 卒業
2015/9 In/Flesh/Out, クンストラウム・クロイツベルク/ベタニエン(マリアネンプラッツ、TWSレジデンスルーム), ベルリン
2014/9 Have a Good Appetite, 児玉画廊, 京都
2014/7 6AM中心と端もない6PM, Alainistheonlyone, 東京
2014/1 Galatea, 京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA, 京都
2023 空気きまぐれ 京都芸術センター
2022 Gallop リュブリャナ Co-Festival, ベルリン Uferstudios
2019 ~)Dis)Oriental Whaling~ 京都芸術センター
2022/11 第25回 DOMANI・明日展2022-23年、国立新美術館、東京
2020/8 笹岡由梨子・谷中佑輔展 ※二人展、MORI YU GALLERY、京都
2019/6 MONO NO AWARE CELEBRATION PROJECT featured in the Celebration series of three exhibitions: in Kyoto, Poznań and Szczecin, TRAFO, シチェチン, ポーランド
2019/6 CELEBRATION -Japanese-Polish Contemporary Art Exhibition-, Dom Książki (several venues in the festival), ポズナン, ポーランド
2019/5 ポーランド芸術祭2019 in Japan 「セレブレーション-日本ポーランド現代美術展-」, 京都芸術センター, 京都
2018/7 Scrolling, Scroll, Scrl, +DEDE, ベルリン
2018/5 Festival der jungen Talente 2018 (Project: Noise Again, collaboration work of BOF), Frankfruter Kunstein, フランクフルト
2018/1 不純物と免疫, BARRAK 1, 沖縄
2017/10 不純物と免疫, Tokyo Arts and Space Hongo, 東京
2017/7 The Point in Front Is Not the Point in Front Is Not *two-person exhibition with Judith Seng*, 京都芸術センター, 京都
2017/1 クロニクル、クロニクル!, Creative Center Osaka, 大阪
2016/6 Joan Jonas Workshop Exhibition, Villa Iris, The Botin Foundation, サンタンデール (スペイン)
2016/4 リターン・トゥ, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, 東京
2016/1 クロニクル、クロニクル!, Creative Center Osaka, 大阪
2015/10 躱(かわ)す *two-person exhibition with 椎原 保*, CAS, 大阪
2015/4 Before Night Falls 夜になるまえに, ARTZONE, 京都
2015/3 PARASOPHIA: 京都国際現代芸術祭 特別連携プログラム/京芸 Transmit Program #6『still moving』, 元・崇仁小学校/崇仁地域周辺, 京都
2015/1 ARTIST WORKSHOP @KCUA The Open Score by Lucky Dragons 成果発表展/SHOWCASE, 京都市立芸術大学ギャラリー@KCUA, 京都
2014/11 TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK ASIA AWARDSヤングクリエイター展, 明治神宮外苑絵画館前, 東京
2014/5 “ignore your perspective 25″ Just The Way It is, 児玉画廊, 東京
2014/4 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2014, 行幸地下ギャラリー, 東京
2014/1 “ignore your perspective 20″ Not a total waste, 児玉画廊, 京都
2013/11 みんなちがってみんないい、か, adanda/コーポ北加賀屋, 大阪
2011/8 Colors of KCUA, Gallery@KCUA, 京都
2009/3 ココ、アノ膜-AAP in AAS-, Antenna AAS, 京都
2019-2022 文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度研修員としてベルリンに滞在
2019/8-10 Acc-Rijksakademie dialogue and exchange 2018-2019, Rijksakademie, アムステルダム
2019/2-5 山中suplex, 滋賀
2018/8-10 Acc-Rijksakademie dialogue and exchange 2018-2019, Asia Culture Center, 光州, 韓国
2017/8-9 Paradise AIR short stay program, Paradaise AIR, 松戸, 千葉
2016-2017 ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員として Tanzfabrik Berlin(ドイツ) にて研修
2016/6 Joan Jonas Workshop, Villa Iris Visual Art Workshop, The Botin Foundation, サンタンデール
2016/2 The Mountain School of Arts, ロサンゼルス
2014/4-2016/3 HAPSスタジオプログラム, 京都
2015/7-10 Tokyo Wonder Site 二国間交流プログラム, クンストラウム・クロイツベルク/ベタニエン, ベルリン
2015/1 ARTIST WORKSHOP @KCUA “The Open Score” by Lucky Dragons, 京都
2016 京都市芸術文化特別奨励者 認定
2014 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2014 グランプリ
2014 京都市立芸術大学修了制作 奨励賞
2013 加藤定奨学金
2012 京都市立芸術大学卒業制作 市長賞
2011 京都市立芸術大学作品展 オリジン賞